The Wandering Village - The New Ocean Update in Detail

21 July 2023, 07:20 / by Fabian Roßbach
The Wandering Village - The New Ocean Update in Detail

A New Milestone for The Wandering Village

Put on your virtual hiking boots because it's time to explore a whole new world! Stray Fawn Studio is celebrating the release of the Ocean Update for their popular game The Wandering Village. And let me tell you, this trip is definitely worth it!

Off to the Ocean Biome

The centerpiece of this update is undoubtedly the brand-new Ocean Biome. Imagine wandering across a gigantic creature and discovering new corners along the way - that's what The Wandering Village offers you. And now, you can experience this adventure on the sea as well.

What the Update has in Store

Of course, the Ocean Biome is just one part of the whole. The update brings a lot of new content:
  • Building upgrades
  • Decorations
  • Hostility adjustment system
  • New buildings/events/locations
  • Bug fixes, balancing, and polishing
Curious to try it out yourself? Then get your The Wandering Village Key from us.

More News from the Team

The Stray Fawn Studio team is not resting on their laurels. They have already announced that they have started development on the next update. Want to stay up to date? Join the Discord community and chat with other players. In addition, Stray Fawn Studio is participating in the Steam Sim Fest. So if you're a fan of simulation games, be sure to check it out.

Conclusion: A Worthwhile Update

The Ocean Update for The Wandering Village brings a breath of fresh air to the game and offers players many new opportunities for exploration and world-building. Whether you're a fan of Ocean Biomes or just excited about new features, this update will not disappoint. Are you ready for your next adventure? Then grab your Steam Key and dive into the world of The Wandering Village!
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