War Thunder Update - HMS Gay Archer in the "Tropical Storm" Battle Pass

19 October 2023, 09:44 / by Tom Schwiha
War Thunder Update - HMS Gay Archer in the "Tropical Storm" Battle Pass

The British Torpedo Boat Gay Archer in the New War Thunder Battle Pass

You heard it right! The HMS Gay Archer, a premium Rank III torpedo boat for Great Britain, will be one of the main prizes in the brand-new season of the War Thunder Battle Pass called "Tropical Storm." With its 40mm Bofors autocannon, high speed, and, of course, its torpedoes, it is a must-have for any fan of the Royal Navy.

The Gay Archer is not only an excellent example of War Thunder's smaller coastal fleet, but it also offers a whole range of fun and exciting gameplay mechanics. But let's start from the beginning...

The details of the HMS Gay Archer

Under the hood of this boat, you'll find three gasoline engines that can reach an impressive speed of 40 knots (about 74 km/h). At the forefront, proudly presenting itself, is a 40mm Bofors cannon armed with magazines of high-explosive fragmentation and armor-piercing shells. At the rear of the boat, you'll find another cannon, the classic 20mm Oerlikon from the mid-20th century, and as the icing on the cake, you can even equip this boat with a pair of torpedoes.

How to play the Gay Archer

But how does this gem play in War Thunder? In smaller battles, it is a true breakthrough boat thanks to its firepower and speed. In larger confrontations with destroyers, it scores points with its ability to lay smoke screens and capture points undetected under rocks and islands.

Tactical tips for the HMS Gay Archer

  1. Utilize its speed and powerful cannon to quickly capture control points.
  2. Avoid engaging larger targets from a distance and instead rely on the boat's speed to get behind larger targets and launch torpedoes.
  3. If you are detected, steer erratically to confuse the enemy and use your weapons strategically.

Upcoming updates and new features

The HMS Gay Archer will soon be available in War Thunder alongside the new "Tropical Storm" Battle Pass. The new season begins on October 25th, so keep an eye out for more news and updates. And don't forget, you can always get your Steam Key for War Thunder from us at Keyfuchs.de!

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