Wargroove 2 - New adventures on PC and Switch

09 March 2023, 10:31 / by Tom Schwiha
Wargroove 2 - New adventures on PC and Switch

The popular Advance-Wars-inspired turn-based strategy game Wargroove is getting a sequel: Wargroove 2 is set to release in the future for PC and Switch. The game is being developed by Robotality and published by Chucklefish. However, the exact release date is still unknown.

New adventure with pirate flair

Wargroove 2 is said to offer many new features compared to its predecessor: a completely new campaign with three interlocking storylines will take players on a pirate adventure. There will be five new unit types that can be used in different ways.

New commanders and revamped groove system

Wargroove 2 will also introduce new commanders, each with their own unique abilities. The developers have announced that the groove system will be revamped. Grooves are special abilities that can only be used once per round per commander and can be crucial to the outcome of a battle.

Co-op and Multiplayer Modes

The developers have also announced that Wargroove 2 will offer two different multiplayer modes. Up to four players can play together or against each other on one screen or online. There are also new options for co-op games.

New Conquest Mode and Improved Editor Tools

As another innovation, Wargroove 2 will have a Conquest mode that plays like a rogue-like. In addition, the tools for creating your own maps and cutscenes will be revised and improved.

Wargroove fans can look forward to the continuation of the popular strategy game. New unit types, a revamped campaign, and multiplayer modes promise fresh gameplay. It remains to be seen when exactly Wargroove 2 will be released, but until then, let's look forward to new adventures!

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