Warhammer 40k Darktide - New patch available

16 December 2022
Warhammer 40k Darktide - New patch available

WH40k Darktide has received its first big patch with the number 10.0.20. The developer Fatshark promises us less crashes and many new contents.

In its final release, the game Warhammer 40.000: Darktide started about two weeks ago. However, this was not without major problems.

Above all, the missing content that was promised at the release caused discontent. In addition, there was often poor technology with performance problems and frequent crashes. Maybe it would have been better to postpone the release date. With the patch released yesterday, the developers want to fix many of these problems. 

This is what the patch contains

Better technology

Many causes of crashes are to be fixed with the new patch. According to the patch notes, the following errors have been fixed:

  • Several cases that caused GPU crashes have been fixed
  • A bug was fixed that caused clients to receive mismatched player equipment from the server, which could lead to a number of crashes
  • A bug was fixed that caused the VFX of fired projectiles to crash the game when the player left the game
  • A problem was fixed that could cause a client crash when weapons were used under the influence of different attack speed or reload speed buffs
  • Various and numerous unspecified crashes have been fixed

New content

With Patch 10.0.20, a number of new content is also available in the game:

  • Two new weapons: A two-handed power maul for preachers and a one-handed power maul for ogryns
  • A new map
  • Private lobbies 
  • Refining is the first of two missing crafting options now available

But it was also confirmed by Fatshark