Watch Dogs Legion - The Collector's Edition and its contents

24 February 2020
Watch Dogs Legion - The Collector's Edition and its contents

Watch Dogs: Legion Collector's Edition Preview

Preview of the open-world adventure

The developers are serious! While publishers are increasingly putting pressure on time and releasing products that are far from finished, Ubisoft is taking the opposite approach. There may be players who would have liked to play the successor to the open-world adventure on March 6, 2020. But quality does not arise overnight! The more time the developers have, the less need there is for a gigantic day-one patch to save what is barely salvageable. When Watch Dogs: Legion will actually be released is up in the air. Instead of a specific date, the second half of the year was referred to. Console fans may be better off waiting for the PS5.

What we know about Watch Dogs: Legion

When Watch Dogs was released on the gaming public in 2014, the developers believed it would be a blockbuster. Rightly so: the reviews were good, if not outstanding. Some experts criticized the somewhat one-dimensional presentation, which could have been more extensive and diverse given the creative hacker storyline. So it's good that it was apparent at E3 that Ubisoft has sat down and revised numerous game elements. What was noticeable in the predecessor should no longer be an issue, the potential of the idea should be exploited from the ground up.

Players slip into the role of activist hackers again who try to achieve their goal in a unique way. Friends, critics and specialists are recruited - which is not always easy! Ubisoft refers to a complete and authentic game world. Even outside of the targeted storylines, all NPCs are supposed to pursue a comprehensible daily routine, have personal needs, work and hobbies. Always keep in mind when expanding your party that you are interfering in the well-developed life of the participants. The one or the other personality may stand out negatively from the ranks of the hackers.

Ubisoft focuses on creative problem solving

Once again, solving problems presents the biggest challenge for players. All the more so because many competitors can be won over who initially stand negatively towards the hacker group. The developers have let individual diversity speak for itself and linked every pixel heap with an extensive backstory. No matter how grumpy the prospective partner may be: If they just drill deep enough, players will find his weak point. And if not, they just do so many favors until the last blinkers have fallen.

What sets Watch Dogs: Legion apart from numerous other games is obvious: Players have maximum freedom of choice, decide - similar to, among others, Metal Gear Solid or Dishonored - for a bloody or peaceful problem solving. The developers have let it be known that the game can be completed without killing a single opponent. There is no question that Watch Dogs: Legion is all the more worthwhile for gamers who want to stroll through the open world several times and get to know all the manipulations.

Why it pays to buy the Collector's Edition

As things stand, the Collector's Edition comes with the biggest price, but also the biggest value added. Gamers are looking forward to the "Golden King" package, which rewards them with a mask, a weapon and vehicle design. Better still: They get to explore the open world three days before everyone else and shape it to their own taste. The Season Pass is also included, as well as Ultimate content such as three iconic heroes, the city slicker package, a four-week VIP status, the London system critic package, the Dedsec car design and various collector's items such as an exclusive steelbook, a double-sided poster and a set of three stickers.