We Went Back - A cycle of horror

02 June 2020, 18:16 / by Tom Schwiha
We Went Back - A cycle of horror

Trapped in loneliness - In the horror adventure "We Went Back" by the publisher team Dead Threat Games you explore a space station near the moon. Everything seems to be abandoned. But what happened? Where is everyone? And are you really as alone as it seems?

Lonely Exploration Tour

The game starts with you waking up in a stasis chamber on a space station. You have no idea how you got there or what you're supposed to do. There's no computer voice explaining the way and no mission objectives to complete. All you can find is a door secured with a code and a Polaroid camera. But otherwise there's nothing on the station that could help you. There's no trace of the crew. But there are no signs of a fight or a hurried disappearance. The pool table looks like people were playing there not even two seconds ago. The plant cultures seem to have been watered and all space suits are hanging neatly in their holders. But despite all this, the feeling arises that something is not right. But you don't know how to get to the bottom of the mystery. But you have no other choice. You have to start looking for a solution if you don't want to be lonely and die in space.

Small Shifts with Big Effects

As you move through the space station in "We Went Back," you'll notice changes. Chairs aren't where they first were. Pictures change. Doors seem to lead to other rooms. And quickly you realize that your biggest enemy is your own mind.

The developers use clever inconspicuous elements like the fall of light or small details to create a creepy and oppressive atmosphere. Similar to the horror game "P.T.," the game world around you changes with each new exploration cycle you experience. Rooms change each time by small things, so you'll soon wonder if a room always looked like this or if something changed since your last lap. For a long time, the game builds up a depressing atmosphere in which you feel unsafe for a second. You'll soon just want to get away from this station. But you need the code that secures the main door. As you look for it, you gradually come across small hints of what happened to the rest of the crew. But whether you like what you find is another question.

Short Appetizer

Even if "We Went Back" is not a very long game, the free horror bite is definitely worth it. With the simplest means you will be drawn into an adventure that you have certainly not experienced before. On average, a game session takes 30 minutes. But that's enough to make your pulse rise and send you cold shivers down your back. The game is therefore more suitable for players over 16 years of age who are looking for a small horror bite in between.

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