Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty - Dragon Vein Crystals and Essences

13 March 2023, 16:15 / by Fabian Roßbach
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty - Dragon Vein Crystals and Essences

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is an action-packed role-playing game that takes the player on a journey through ancient China to uncover a conspiracy and save the land from the forces of evil. In the game, players can improve their healing abilities by finding Dragon Vein Crystals and Essences, which allow them to heal more health points and increase the maximum number of charges in the Dragon's Cure Pot.

Dragon Vein Crystal: Two Knights

After defeating the Zhuyan boss, the player will encounter the blacksmith Zhu Xia. Behind the blacksmith is a large room with a chest at the end containing the Dragon Vein Crystal.

Dragon Vein Essence: The Yellow Paradise Burns

After setting the second battle flag, continue to the right where a tiger is guarding a chest. The chest contains the Essence that increases healing power.

Dragon Vein Essence: The Valley of Weeping Spirits

The Essence is located on the right side after climbing the Battle Flag. There is a small path on the right that leads to a chest which can be opened to obtain the Essence.

Dragon Vein Crystal: The Demon Fortress of the Yellow Sky

After opening the gate behind the Battle Flag, go left where an ogre guards the entrance. The player must defeat it to find the Crystal.

Dragon Vein Essence: In Search of the Immortal Wizard

After defeating the alligator-like miniboss, the player will go to the right and reach the camp. There, they must climb up and jump to the left to reach the Essence.

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