World of Warcraft - Cataclysm Classic Roadmap Revealed

20 December 2023, 10:37 / by Tom Schwiha
World of Warcraft - Cataclysm Classic Roadmap Revealed

Blizzard announces Cataclysm Classic

Blizzard is stirring up our excitement and nostalgic memories of Cataclysm as it opens up sign-ups for the beta of the World of Warcraft expansion. With World of Warcraft available in both its retail version and the nostalgic Classic version, long-time fans can relive their wildest raid memories and provide new players with a tailored, less overwhelming entry into the game.

Beta sign-ups for Cataclysm Classic

With Blizzard's latest World of Warcraft Classic roadmap, we now know that beta access for Cataclysm is coming at the end of this winter and the beginning of spring. We can now sign up for the beta of the new and improved MMO expansion, which will allow us to gain early access to Cataclysm. In this pre-release phase, we could explore upcoming content such as the campaign story, new dungeons, raids, PvP mode, and the additional eerie zone, Darkmoon Island.

More Content on the Horizon

For those of us who can't get enough, all hope is not lost. There are other upcoming content that we can look forward to. The Season of Discovery and its chaotic class balancing are drawing near, as well as the new mode's own PvE and PvP content. We also have the Ruby Sanctum Raid from Wrath of the Lich King, coming early next year.

Pre-Patch Event and Post-Cataclysm Period

The roadmap also includes details about the grand pre-patch event of Cataclysm, coming later in the spring, featuring the addition of Worgen and Goblins, improved guild features, and the long-awaited Transmog system. The post-Cataclysm period is also not to be underestimated, with further updates to the expansion and additional additions to Classic's endgame content.

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