Xbox Game Pass - 9 Games leaving us this year

21 December 2022
Xbox Game Pass - 9 Games leaving us this year

The year 2022 is coming to an end and with it some games are flying out of the Xbox Game Pass. Among them is a real RPG highlight, whose gaming experience should still be caught up on. 

As is generally known, the Microsoft game subscription service Game Pass is fed with new games every month, in addition, all first party games appear directly in the service, which is available in a "normal" and an "Ultimate" version. This means that old games have to make way from time to time, which means that you can't download and play these titles afterwards without additional costs.

You have until December 31, 2022, to play the following games: 

  • Embr
  • Gorogoa
  • Immortal Realms
  • Iron Harvest
  • Outer Wilds
  • Scarlet Nexus
  • Secret Neighbor
  • The Pedestrian
  • Tropico 6

They offer you a good cross section of various genres at the end of the year. Otherwise you have the opportunity to spend the time over the holidays - and of course also afterwards - with one of the numerous Game Pass newcomers from December, including the Xbox and PC exclusive High on Life.