Xbox Game Pass - Impacts Video Game Sales

13 February 2023, 23:40 / by Fabian Roßbach
Xbox Game Pass - Impacts Video Game Sales

Microsoft has confirmed in a report to the UK Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) that adding games to Xbox Game Pass has an impact on sales. The report states: "Microsoft has also shown that its internal analysis shows a certain decline in sales in the first year after inclusion in Game Pass."

This contradicts the statements of Xbox head Phil Spencer from 2018, when he claimed that Game Pass promotes sales rather than undermines them.

Activision Critical of Multi-Game Subscription Services

According to the UK CMA report, Activision is critical of adding games to multi-game subscription services on any platform. It believes that it significantly affects sales, particularly with newer releases.

Microsoft's admission that Game Pass affects sales can be seen as part of the larger debate around subscription-based gaming models. While some players find the concept practical and cost-effective, others fear that it can lead to a deterioration in sales. It remains to be seen how things will develop in the future.

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