Microsoft makes changes to new Xbox Home user interface - Microsoft changes design due to fan criticism

15 April 2023, 19:16 / by Tom Schwiha
Microsoft makes changes to new Xbox Home user interface - Microsoft changes design due to fan criticism

Microsoft responds to criticism of new Xbox Home interface

Last year, Microsoft began testing a new Xbox Home interface that was originally planned for 2023. However, many fans were not impressed with the tile-based interface as it did not provide enough space for the console's dynamic backgrounds and wallpapers. The new interface seemed like a big Xbox Game Pass advertisement, and now Microsoft admits that it appears cluttered.

"We've heard from you that the changes to the top of Home left little room for your backgrounds and felt cluttered," says Ivy Krislov, Senior Product Manager for Xbox Experiences. "We're working to balance the experience, accessibility, functionality, and needs of our community to bring you a great and refreshed Home experience."

Microsoft makes changes and pauses experiment

The company has decided to remove the new Xbox Home user interface from testers and pause the experiment for now. Instead, Microsoft is focusing on bigger changes to address fan feedback. According to Krislov, the Xbox team will soon share more information about the revised user interface. "Thank you for all the feedback you've shared. It's an important part of our process and our team is working hard to incorporate it into the experience and make it available to you," she says.

Fans hope for improved design

It remains to be seen what the revised user interface will look like. However, many fans hope for a design that places more emphasis on backgrounds and offers additional customization options. The fact that Microsoft is responding to criticism and feedback is encouraging.

The evolution of the Xbox dashboard

Over the past decade, Microsoft has redesigned the Xbox dashboard several times to meet the needs of players. Now it seems to be in a good position, but it needs an updated Xbox Home user interface and improvements to the Xbox DVR function to be more complete.

The upcoming changes are another example of how Microsoft is committed to continuously improving the Xbox experience and taking community feedback seriously. With a growing selection of games in the Xbox Game Pass and an improved user interface, the console can offer its users an even better gaming experience. Stay tuned for more information on the new Xbox Home user interface and planned changes!

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