Y8S2 Season Test Server: Balancing Changes & Operator Adjustments - Everything you need to know about the latest changes in Rainbow Six Siege

15 May 2023, 20:31 / by Fabian Roßbach
Y8S2 Season Test Server: Balancing Changes & Operator Adjustments - Everything you need to know about the latest changes in Rainbow Six Siege

Designer's Notes: Insights into Balancing Matrix & Operator Changes

In the latest Designer's Notes, Ubisoft provides an overview of the upcoming balancing changes for the Y8S2 Season Test Server of Rainbow Six Siege. The developers also explain the reasons behind the adjustments and present the most frequently banned operators. Additionally, some gadget changes are introduced, such as the Observation Blocker, which creates a digital barrier to disable observation tools.

The planned changes affect a variety of operators, including Alibi, Clash, Goyo, Grim, Jäger, Pulse, Smoke, Tachanka, and Thunderbird. The focus is mainly on adjustments to the equipment and abilities of these characters. The specific changes and their effects will be examined in more detail below.

Y8S2 Season Test Server: The Innovations in Detail

Changes to Gadgets & Operators

The Observation Blocker is a new gadget being introduced in Y8S2. It creates a digital barrier that blocks the view of observation tools such as cameras or drones. This allows attackers to better disguise themselves while forcing defenders to adapt their strategies.

Regarding operator adjustments, the following innovations have been made:

  • Alibi: Her Prismas are less revealing as they no longer create red outlines.
  • Clash: Her Electro Shield cooldown is increased to limit her potential to delay the game.
  • Goyo: His Volcan Shields are revised and receive a larger flame zone.
  • Grim: He receives a new gadget called "Intruder Detector" that reveals enemy movements nearby.
  • Jäger: His ADS devices are slightly weakened to allow for more diversity in defender setups.
  • Pulse: His heartbeat sensor gets a reduced range to limit his information gathering.
  • Smoke: The gas grenades receive a larger effect zone, but reduced damage.
  • Tachanka: The flamethrower gets a higher fire rate and larger flame zones for better area control.
  • Thunderbird: Her Kona stations now heal slower to reduce her impact on gameplay.

Test Server: Player Feedback Wanted!

The latest Siege updates can be tested on the Test Server. The developers encourage players to report any errors or issues and share their feedback on Twitter or Reddit. This also means that the presented changes are not final and can be adjusted based on player feedback. So take the opportunity to contribute to the improvement of Rainbow Six Siege and dive into the Y8S2 Season Test Server!

Stay up to date with Keyfuchs to not miss any news about Rainbow Six Siege. We wish you a lot of fun trying out the new changes and look forward to your feedback!

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