Zombie Cure Lab: Update brings fresh air into the game - From new streets to a revised endgame - all the info at a glance

05 May 2023, 18:28 / by Fabian Roßbach
Zombie Cure Lab: Update brings fresh air into the game - From new streets to a revised endgame - all the info at a glance

New types of roads and improved efficiency

The Zombie Cure Lab has received an exciting update! One of the important new features are four different types of roads that you can build to increase the movement speed of your workers. This not only leads to improved efficiency of your economy, but also makes the gameplay more dynamic and strategic.

Revamped endgame with new mutated zombies

The update also brings a completely revamped endgame. Starting at threat level 50, five new types of mutated zombies appear, possessing stronger weapons and presenting a greater challenge. So, prepare yourself for action-packed battles against these terrifying creatures!

Decorative objects added for the laboratory

In the latest update, decorative objects for the outdoor area have been added to make your laboratory even more appealing. With these objects, you can give your lab a personal touch and make it a real eye-catcher!

Economy & Resources: New balancing

This update also brings some adjustments in the area of economy and resource extraction. The construction costs, resource extraction rates, and research costs for level 4 have been rebalanced. In addition, the harvesting speed for all resources has been reduced by about 30-40%. This gives you more control over your game and allows you to make more strategic decisions.

Changes in zombie behavior from threat level 40

Zombies behave slightly differently from threat level 40 onwards. They now hunt down level 1 workers again, making the game even more challenging. The level 2 guards have also undergone a change – they now cause double damage and are therefore more effective in fighting zombies.

Bugfixes and known issues

The update also fixed some bugs, such as a bug where the landing area at the beginning of the game was no longer buildable or the loss condition did not work. However, there are also some known issues that the development team is aware of. For example, old game saves may be corrupted or have trouble loading. Additionally, at high game frequencies and on the latest roads, workers may slide out of curves. However, the developers are already working on fixing these issues.

Outlook: Performance optimization and future plans

The team behind Zombie Cure Lab is always striving to improve the gaming experience and has already announced that they want to delve deeper into performance optimization. A larger post about their plans will be published soon. So stay tuned and don't miss any information about the latest developments around Zombie Cure Lab!

If you don't already own Zombie Cure Lab, visit our website and get your Zombie Cure Lab Key. Have fun playing and good luck fighting the zombie apocalypse!

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