Minecraft Books - How to craft and use them

15 March 2023, 11:36 / by Tom Schwiha
Minecraft Books - How to craft and use them

There is so much to discover in the world of Minecraft. One of the many possibilities the game offers are books. Books can be used for enchanting and crafting or even to create an enchantment table and a bookshelf in Minecraft. With Minecraft books, items such as weapons and shields can also be enchanted.

How to craft a Minecraft book

To craft a Minecraft book, you will need three pieces of paper and one piece of leather. Place one piece of paper in the bottom left corner of the crafting grid and the leather to the right of it in the middle of the bottom row. Then, place the two remaining pieces of paper in the two top slots on the left side of the middle row.

How to craft paper in Minecraft

Crafting paper in Minecraft is very simple. All you need to do is place three sugar canes in the middle row of the crafting grid. This will give you paper.

Creating Minecraft Maps

There are two types of Minecraft maps: regular maps that show an area and locator maps. To create them, either fill the crafting grid with paper for a regular map or surround a compass with paper in the center for a locator map.

Creating Banner Patterns

To create banner patterns, you need a piece of paper and an item to use as an emblem for the pattern. For example, if you want to create a banner with the Mojang logo, place a piece of paper to the left and an enchanted golden apple in the center.

Creating Minecraft Books and Quills

If you want a bookshelf in Minecraft that you can write in, you'll need a book, an ink sac, and a feather. Place the ink sac to the right of the book in the crafting grid and the feather below the ink sac - now you have a book and quill to write down your wisdom. Place it on a Minecraft lectern for added authority.

Aside from crafting Minecraft books, you can also obtain them in other ways. You can find books in ships, strongholds, or Minecraft villages. In rare cases, you can also find enchanted books. Enchanted books can be deciphered with Minecraft grindstones. Books also play an important role in enchantments as they are part of the enchantment table recipe.

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